Setup Health Status Configuration

At least 1 product and 1 product environment must be created before proceeding to configuring health status.

Add 1 or more conditions to your product/environment that will determine its health.

Condition Types

Conditions are used to determine specific scenarios in which a product is determined to be healthy.

Dynamic Condition

Dynamic conditions are used to receive a json response from an application or service at a specific time or interval. If this condition is not met by the configured standards, this product will be marked as unhealthy or down.

Performance Condition

Performance conditions are used to measure the CPU and Memory consumption of an application or service. If this condition is not met depending on the configuration parameters, this product will be marked as unhealthy or down.

Ping Condition

Ping conditions are used to measure the uptime status or Web Applications, API's & HTTP endpoints. If this condition is not met depending on the configuration parameters, this product will be marked as unhealthy or down.

Last updated